It’s natural to want to clean your range hood. After all, it’s a crucial component of your household. But do you have to get a special certification to clean the hood above your stove at home?
This article covers a range hood, its importance, and whether you need a license to clean a residential range hood.
No. Cleaning the range hood in your home does not require training or certification. However, cleaning hoods in businesses and restaurants may require a special certification. Before beginning any cleaning project, you should get approval from your local health and safety authorities. In this manner, you won’t have to worry about being hurt by mistake and will have a better chance of avoiding legal trouble.
What is a range hood?
A range hood is an HVAC appliance installed over a stove or cooktop to remove smoke and odors while also filtering out particles that may have been released during the cooking process. It may also improve indoor air quality by decreasing heat and humidity.

Range hoods come in various shapes and sizes, and many modern range hood sensors detect the heat from your stove or oven and automatically change the fan speed.
COSMO COS-63190S Wall Mount Range Hood

COSMO COS-63190S Wall Mount Range Hood
Why should you clean your range hood?
Cleaning the vent hood regularly is a must for any home with a commercial kitchen. You and your family are at risk when the hood isn’t cleaned regularly. Some of the reasons for cleaning your hood are listed below.
1. Cooking oil builds up fast
If you’ve looked at your vent hood, you know it’s fairly disgusting. That’s because grease builds up quite quickly. Cooking releases proteins, which eventually congregate in the chimney. The accumulation of this grease under the hood poses a fire risk.
2. It can lead to a fire
Kitchens with dirty rain shirts are more susceptible to catching fires. This is because grease buildup can be quite flammable. And the more grease you have on the walls and inside your hood, the more dangerous it can be and lead to a fire.
3. It’s dangerous to your health
Your kitchen vent hood poses a health danger to you and your family. After a certain amount of grease has accumulated in the vent, the exhaust of any grease, fumes, or smoke will be blocked. These fumes recirculate throughout the building after rising to the kitchen ceiling. If you already have asthma, this might exacerbate your symptoms.
Do you need a license to clean a residential range hood?
No. Cleaning the range hood in your home does not require training or certification. However, cleaning commercial and restaurant hoods may need a valid license. You should get approval from your local health and safety authorities. This way, you won’t have to worry about being hurt by mistake and will have a better chance of avoiding legal trouble. Get in touch with your city hall or county health and safety office if you have questions about whether or not a license is required.

If you want even more tips and insights, watch this video called “Hoods and Ranges Cleaning Tips with Liz Trotter” from the Angela Brown Cleaning YouTube Channel.
This video is called “Hoods and Ranges Cleaning Tips with Liz Trotter” from the Angela Brown Cleaning YouTube Channel.
Frequently asked questions (FAQ)
Do you still have questions? Below are some of the most commonly asked questions about cleaning residential range hoods.
How often should I clean my range hood?
Range hood filters should be cleaned regularly to prevent clogged airflow and subsequent health problems. Using a range hood cleaner made for ovens is the most convenient option. Dirt, grease, and dust may collect on the filter and trigger health issues like asthma and allergies. This will eliminate those potential issues. In addition, remember to empty the grease cup regularly.
Must you wear gloves while cleaning?
Yes. Wearing gloves is the very minimum needed to prevent bacterial infections when cleaning. The sinks in the bathrooms and kitchens, as well as the toilet, are perhaps the most often cleaned areas in your home. Unfortunately, salmonella and E. coli bacteria flourish in these three settings.
If you use your bare hands to clean them, you might expose yourself to harmful bacteria and viruses. It’s not enough to wash your hands after cleaning; you must do it properly to eliminate any chance of spreading germs. Don’t put yourself in harm’s way; use gloves instead.
When should you get a professional cleaner?
This is really more prevalent in commercial kitchens. Still, a skilled contractor should clean the hood ventilation system every three to six months. Regular cleaning will be required for systems with greater dust and debris accumulation. Don’t hesitate to contact a local contractor or HVAC firm if you have any queries or concerns regarding your system.
After reading this article, you may safely clean your home range hood without worrying about obtaining a license. But ensure you contact the local council or the authority’s health and safety division before beginning any cleaning work. They can also answer any questions you have about the rules and regulations around workplace safety.
This article covered a range hood, the importance of cleaning it, and whether you need a license to clean a residential range hood. Here are some key takeaways:
Key takeaways
- A range hood is an HVAC appliance installed over a stove or cooktop to remove smoke and odors while also filtering out big particles that may have been released during the cooking process.
- Cleaning the vent hood regularly is a must for any business with a commercial kitchen.
- Cleaning the range hood in your home does not require training or certification.
- It is very important to have an exhaust system in the kitchen.
- Cleaning kitchen exhausts is essential to maintain their performance and should be done by skilled professionals.
- You can get a certification to clean commercial hoods.
- You can also You can get a certificate to clean restaurant hoods.
- More than 1 million workers in the U.S. are certified by The National Fire Protection Association (NFPA).
So, when do you clean your range hood? And did I cover everything you wanted to know? Let me know in the comments section below (I read and reply to every comment). If you found this article helpful, check out my full blog for more tips and tricks in your kitchen. Thanks for reading, and stay safe.