Stainless steel is one of the most frequently used materials in kitchen appliance manufacturing. It is now on sinks, refrigerators, cooktops, and range hoods. Stainless steel is popular among homeowners because it is strong, durable, and attractive. However, it is still vulnerable to scratches. So how can you remove scratches from your stainless steel range hood?
This article will cover what stainless steel is and how to prevent and remove scratches from your stainless steel range hood to keep it looking its best for years to come.
Stainless steel scratch removers
To keep the shine on stainless steel, you can use water, vinegar, or special cleaners. These will also show fingerprints brilliantly.

COSMO COS-63190S Wall Mount Range Hood

COSMO COS-63190S Wall Mount Range Hood
How to remove scratches from your range hood
When you have all the items listed, you may begin removing scratches from your range hood. This might take up to an hour, depending on the severity of the scratches, the size of the hood, and the level of cleaning you want.
Determine the direction of the grains
Finding the grain orientation on your stainless steel range hood is the first order of business. This is because your buffing motion should always be directed in its direction.
You’ll worsen things if you try to erase the scratches by scrubbing the surface in the opposite direction of the grains. When you examine the surface of the range hood or even touch it, you can tell which way it is facing. They remind me of jagged lines that branch out in various directions.
Wipe off dirt and dust
Spray the area with warm soapy water, wipe it off with a soft cloth, and let it sit for 30 minutes to dry. If the range hood is already clean, you may skip the cleaning phase and go directly to work on the scratches.
Mix the removal compound
A large selection of scratch removers is available in liquid and powdered form. If the ingredient is a powder, it should be mixed with enough water to produce a thick, uniform paste before use. You can go to work immediately if it’s a liquid, like Comet, Revere, or Copper Stainless Steel Cleaner. Always keep a water spray bottle handy to re-wet the cloth as needed.
Buff with a microfiber cloth
After mixing it well, use a brush to spread the scratch remover over the range hood. Then, scrape the area in a back-and-forth motion with a microfiber cloth until the scratches disappear. Now is the time to put in some physical effort and patiently bear the process. However, you won’t know whether the scratches have been removed until you wipe off the scratch removal compound.
Clean the surface
After the scratch removal compound or solution has been applied, wipe it off the range hood with a clean microfiber cloth. Most of the scrapes should no longer be visible. Reapply the scratch removal compound paste and buff again if necessary.
- Water
- Vinegar
- baking soda
- Non-abrasive compound
- Microfiber cloths
- Abrasive pads
- Spray bottle

How do you remove deep stainless steel scratches?
Use a stainless steel scratch remover kit like Scratch-B-Gone or Barry’s Restore It All Products – Scratch-B-Gone Homeowner Kit and defects that don’t react to the compound. Kits for removing scratches often include polishing compounds and abrasive pads. Start with the coarsest grit and work your way up to the finest to restore the luster of stainless steel.
Of course, if you want to get the most out of your kit, you should always follow the instructions that come with it.
Scrubbing back and forth with the abrasive might leave ugly marks, so use the grit pad recommended for removing the scratch at hand and massage the area with the grain and in only one direction. Apply the minimum amount of pressure necessary to remove the scrape, but no less. Keep buffing with water or the compounds that came with the kit until the manufacturer says to switch to a finer grit pad.
Finish by wiping down the area and buffing the steel to a mirror finish with a microfiber cloth.
If you want even more tips and insights, watch this video called “The Best Way to Remove Scratches from Stainless Steel” from the Proline Range Hoods YouTube Channel.
A video called “The Best Way to Remove Scratches from Stainless Steel” from the Proline Range Hoods YouTube Channel.
Frequently asked questions (FAQ)
Do you still have questions? Below are some of the most commonly asked questions about removing scratches from the range hood.
What is a range hood?
A range hood is a device used in the kitchen to vent out any toxic or dangerous fumes that may be produced while cooking. Range hoods usually have a fan and filters to help catch these gases and get them out of the kitchen.
What is stainless steel?
Stainless steel is a metal that can withstand a lot of wear and tear while still looking good as new. It’s often used to produce cookware, food containers, and other products that come into contact with acidic or salty meals. Stainless steel can be used for many things because it is strong, doesn’t rust, and is easy to clean.
Can you get scratches out of stainless steel?
Yes. Special cleaners may be used to remove scratches from stainless steel. They have a powder inside that you may use on metal by mixing it with water.
Can toothpaste work to remove scratches?
In some cases it can. When toothpaste is rubbed carefully over a scratched surface, it removes the damage in much the same way as sandpaper. However, toothpaste won’t heal serious abrasions.
After reading this blog, you now know that applying a good quality scratch remover is the best way to keep your stainless steel range hood scratch-free. This ensures the shine never fades and makes it easy for you to clean the area without further damaging it. Are you cleaning your range hood right now? If so, then don’t forget to use a scratch remover
This article covered stainless steel scratches, removing scratches from your range hood, and deep stainless steel scratches. Here are some key takeaways:
Key takeaways
- You can use water, vinegar, or special cleaners to keep the shine on stainless steel.
- Use a stainless steel scratch remover kit like Scratch-B-Gone or Siege Stainless Steel Sink and Cookware Scratch Remover for deeper scratches.
- Regular use of a stainless steel polish may reduce the likelihood of scratches.
- Wet sandpaper is preferable to dry since the latter exacerbates existing scratches.
- Work in the direction of the wood’s grain to minimize additional scratching.
So, what do you use to remove scratches on your range hood? And did I cover everything you wanted to know? Let me know in the comments section below (I read and reply to every comment). If you found this article helpful, check out my full blog for more tips and tricks in your kitchen. Thanks for reading, and stay safe.